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February 10, 2010

DVD Release for Tuesday February 9, 2010

Sorry, but for some reason my scheduled post for yesterday didn't publish... so I am a day late on the DVD releases for this week. So lets get right to it:

Couples Retreat: Starring Vince Vaughn, Jason Bateman, John Favreau, Faison Love, Kristin Davis, Malin Akerman, Kristen Bell, Kali Hawk, and Jean Reno

This movie was one of my most anticipated movies of last year. With a cast like this, how can this movie not be hilarious? But after viewing it, I came to the relization that my expecatations were way to high. But even with all the disappointment that I felt from watching the film, I must say that it was a pretty good comedy. Not one of the all time classics I thought it would be, but a solid movie. Lots of laughs, especially once the couples get to their island paradise. The four couples represent every type of relationship that exist: 1) The married couple who stay married even though they no longer like each other (Favreau & Davis) 2) The lovely dovey couple who seem to have the perfect relationship ( Vaughn & Akerman) 3) The newly single older man with his much younger girlfriend ( Love & Hawk) and 4) The over analytical "nerdy" couple who always need to break down every situation before they move foward ( Bateman & Bell). Jean Reno also stars as the couples "Love Counselor" who designs the relationship programs they must go through. He steals the movie in a rare comedic role for the frenchman. Highlights included Vaughn's Guitar Hero battle and the shark scene... this movie is good for a laugh and then for you to hate the cast since they got to shoot the movie on location in Bora Bora ( Fuck Movie Stars).

Next up on the list:

The Time Travelers Wife: Starring Eric Bana and Rachel McAdams

Based on a best selling novel, in theory this is the perfect Valentines day movie because it should appeal to both chicks and dudes. Why you ask? Because the life time romance between Bana and McAdams starting from when she is a kid and continuing through her adulthood is the kind of mushy details that chicks love, and the time traveling aspect of the movie will appeal to hardcore sci-fi geek dudes. That is a great start for a movie that both sexes can enjoy this Valentines Day weekend. Mcadams looks great, and Bana is awesome in everything, so the acting is top notch. This is a good one to curl up on the couch and watch with the one you love... or the guy/girl you happen to be boning at the moment!!! Enjoy.

Also being released this week:

A Serious Man, The Stepfather, Bronson and the Charlie Chaplin Collection (10 dvd's)

Happy viewing... now go out and get those DVD's!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. BRONSON, is hands down one of "THE" best films I have ever scene. The performance by Tom Hardy will go down as one of the best actors of his generation once everything is said and done. He played the role of UK's most famous inmate to perfection. This film should not be overlooked. The is a must add to any collection.
