
Anybody who is a fan of the hit TV show Lost knows that the doomed flight that took our beloved "Losties" down to the island was Oceanic Flight 815. The dreaded flight left Sydney, Australia bound for LAX airport in California. Judging from the immense popularity of the show, it safe to say you know they never quite made it there. Well, they kinda did, but only after time traveling... but then they wanted to go back, so they time jumped again... but then... ahhh, forget about the crazy timeline of the show. Lets focus on the kicks inspired by the worst airline in history:
Let me start by saying that these kicks are not my faves when it comes to the colorways. They are a little to colorful, even for me. When I Nike IDed a pair of Air Max 97's at the Nike Studio, I made "Lost Inspired" Sneakers as well. But I went for the jungle theme, using a bunch of browns and greens. These puppies are using the colors of the Oceanic Logo above, and in that case the colors are appropriated well.

Here is the link for these kicks as well as anything you may need for skating or snowboarding... check it out!!!
Those are bananas. I really couldn't get into LOST, but as a sneakerphile, those are dope.