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March 19, 2010

Lost Recap Season 6, Episode 8 "Recon" by Jeff Bond

I have been writing LOST episode recap blogs on my own for years now. Posting them everywhere from my large email friend-base to MYSPACE, to Lost board websites, to FACEBOOK, to the blog site's of other friendly 'Losties'. This season I am honored to be posting the remaining recaps EXCLUSIVELY for Cultural Compulsive Disorder!!! Join me there each week for my futile Lost TV show ramblings, but tune in daily, no....hourly, for an endless array of movie, TV, music, comic book, fashion, and general geek-dom that Mr. Mike D provides. Take a moment right now to make C.C.D one of your favorites, and please become a follower of the blog. Just click follow over on the right hand side, sign in using one of the accounts provided (Google, AOL IM, Yahoo, etc) and watch your picture pop up. Comments are also appreciated...

Let's get involved here, peoples!!! So here... we... go!!!

Flash Sideways. Ford-X is in bed with a skank and he's 'unbelievable'. Was there ever any doubt, ladies? Skank tells Ford-X that he's going to be late for his 9:00 appointment because it's already 8:42 (Locke's #,Kwon's #....wink!). Ford-X jumps up and collects his things, including a briefcase which, in it's usual 'Sawyer Con' fashion errupts on the bed exposing bundles of dough. Ford-X begins spouting on with what sounds like what we've grown to know as his usual con but the skank is on to him. Her husband (is he important?!) is a con-man and she's familiar with the routine. Except this isn't a con, Ford-X reveals. It's a sting to catch that very husband.....and the place is surrounded by cops. All Ford-X needs to do is vocalize the safe word and the cops will come sweeping in. So he does:

"LeFleur." (haha)

Cops barge in lead by Ford-X's partner Miles-X! Ford-X is a "...damn cop!" You'll remember, these partner's had doppelganger's trapped in the island's 1970s incarnation in Universe 1.0 who were sheriff and deputy, heads of security within the DHARMA Initiative, before the 'Incident' shook things up. Any chance things that happened on the island to each candidate are directly affecting this new universe! What say you!?

At the precinct, Ford-X is cold calling the homes of Anthony Coopers looking for the man who conned his parents when he was 9 years old. Same same aaaaand same! Cooper-X we might assume is the father of John Locke-X in this universe as well, since we saw them, together, in a photo a few weeks ago posted at Locke-X's desk. Miles-X arrives and asks who 'Anthony Cooper' is. Ford-X lies and says he's an old friend who is working on Lakers' tickets for him. Miles-X wonders if they bumped into each other in Palm Springs, the trip Ford-X was supposedly on in the lie he told Miles-X to cover up his trip to Sydney Australia. Ford-X is caught in a lie and is not very good, it seems, at keeping his lies straight. Nevertheless, Miles-X has 'set up' Ford-X on a date with a friend whom works with his dad at the museum. Miles-X's dad, Pierre Chang-X is alive and well, and working at a museum. (I infer) Ford-X isn't keen on the blind date idea and suggests Miles-X go on the date. Miles-X reminds Ford-X that he already has a girlfriend. (Is SHE important?) Who's Miles-X's girlfriend? Is it another cool cameo? I'll guess........Ana Lucia. Police officer from a different department. What's your guess? Winner gets a lollipop!

Miles-X wonders aloud if Ford-X wants to '...die alone'. ( in 'live together, die alone'...wink!) Ford-X covers up for a few more lies and Miles-X notices his demeanor and flat out asks '...are you lying to me man?" Ford-X doesn't exactly lie this time when he responds "Why the hell WOULD I lie?" This has all left me thinking.....what a AWFUL liar this incarnation of Ford is.

Next we see Ford-X arrive at a bar/restaurant looking dapper. A quick call to Miles-X to remind him what his date looks like and we're introduced to the only redhead at the bar......archaeologist Charlotte-X!! (Strange twist) Flirting over dinner about their work ensues, Ford-X asks if she's the kind of archaeologist comparative to Indiana Jones. She answers affirmatively which leads Ford-X to wonder aloud where her 'whip' is? (kinky) Charlotte-X doesn't look so much like Rocky Dennis from 'Mask' in this universe. She wonders when and how Ford-X decided to be a cop and after another one of his lines, it's revealed that he came to a crossroads in his life where he could have become a cop or a criminal and chose this future. A smile and a wink later and Ford-X is in bed again and this time he's just as 'unbelievable' I'm sure. Even if Charlotte-X hasn't brought her whip. (I wish...I liked these 2 together.) Ford-X gets up to get Charlotte-X some water and she goes to borrow a t-shirt from his drawer. I'm sure I'm mistaken, but she appears to me to be looking for more than just a t-shirt. More like she's on a mission. Sure enough, she finds a binder in which Ford-X has been keeping clippings and photos regarding the deaths of his family caused when he was 9. Ford-X catches her snooping and is furious....tossing her out on her ear. Get to steppin', triflin' ho!

Back at the precinct, Ford-X is punching the clock for another day workin' the grind. As he enters he bumps past, none other than, Liam Pace-X who is having trouble bailing his brother, Charlay-X, out of prison after his arrest on drug charges stemming from the hubbub on flight 815-X. Ford-X attempts to help out but, that "....ain't (his) department". Enter Miles-X who's heated and drags Ford-X into the locker room for questioning. Miles-X ran Ford-X's credit cards and the charges point to a trip to Sydney rather than one to Palm Springs as he'd detailed. Ford-X is frustrated and decides it's none of Miles-X's beeswax. For reals, Jimmy! Get that bitch in check! Miles-X decides the lying has disrupted their partnership and he's going to diffuse it. Ford-X takes the final bit of frustration out on the locker room mirror, breaking it with his fist. (There's those Flash Sideway's MIRRORS you were hinting at last week, Jason.)

Ford-X is back at his apartment, cooking frozen meals and watching reruns of 'Little House on the Prairie'. On it, Pa is reassuring,his daughter, Laura Ingals that she can't spend her whole life worrying about her when or how her parents will die. Life is about laughing and loving each other and living for today. Anyway, when people die, they aren't gone for good they live on in memories until we can see them again. All this strikes a nerve with Ford-X who hightails it over to Charlotte-X's apartment with a sunflower and a six-pack from his fridge. Charlotte-X is NOT having the Mr. Niceguy routine and sends our boy packin'. Ford-X, saddened by his attempt leaves the sunflower at her doorsteps and trudges back home.

Next we see Ford-X waiting by the curb in his car for Miles-X. He reveals the whole deal to him. The story we've all grown accustomed to 'bout HIS pa being conned and losing all his money and taking both the lives of his wife, Ford-X's mother, and his own. Changing Ford-X's life forever and sending him on a vengeful wild goose chase after 'Anthony Cooper-X' who he will kill for his troubles. Miles-X wonders why this is the first he's hearing of all this and Ford-X responds that he knows Miles-X would try to talk him out of all of this. One would infer that Ford-X is revealing this all now because he's ready to be talked OUT of it all. No time for hugs and kisses because a runaway car has just smashed into theirs. The perp flees the scene with Ford-X and Miles-X hot on her trail. Ford-X backs her down a dead end street and removes her hood to reveal.......Kate-X! "Son of a Bitch!" Flash Sideways was jam packed with cameos: Kate, Miles, Charlotte, Pierre and Charlay by way of names being dropped.

To the island........WhoooooOOOosh (NOTE: we're whooshing again with the sound I've attributed to 'Team Jacob' rather than the evil roller coaster sounds of 'Team Smoke Thing')

James is boiling tea, at Creepy Claire's bird nest, for the injured Jin whom, you'll recall, busted his leg open like a bloodied hamhock in one of Crazy Claire's polar bear traps. Jin awakens and asks James where 'Locke' and Claire have gone. He insists they get out of there before those two return. James admits he's 'WITH Locke' to which Jin reveals that ain't REALLY Locke. We know and James knows too, but the guy who ain't Locke is gonna get them off the island. Jin won't go anywhere because there's a chance Sun is somewhere on the island. (sweet) James makes a heartwarming promise that they won't leave without Sun. (sweeter) Seems as though James is recruiting for HIS team as well. Any chance they had to sneak off before 'Locke' and Claire return has been dashed because "theeeeey're baaaaAAAaaack!" Smoke Monster/Locke has returned to the crazy nest with his new disciples in tow. Kate, Soulless Sayid and Kooky Claire amongst them.

Back from commercial break, Creepy Claire is packing the best of her trash collection for a move. She stops to peer in on her make-shift ALF doll that has taken the place of baby Aaron in her new life. Kate intrudes and has the ONLY look of disgust for what she sees. "It's all I had," Crazy Claire offers, referring to her creepy cu-pie doll. Outside the nest. Smoke Monster/Locke rallies his troops. He announces that he'll make himself 'available for questions' (thanks, 'cause unlike these rubes, I gots plenty of questions,buddy.) Right now they gotta keep moving, though. (figures!) That doesn't stop flight attendant turned 'Other' Cindy from asking what happened to those left behind at the temple. Smoke Monster/Locke is forthright with her.....'The Black Smoke killed them" (fair enough!) Children Zack & Emma are shown visibly shaken by this revelation. Kooky Claire holds Kate's hand. Quick pan to Soulless Sayid who has no reaction. Somebody check if he is even breathing, please. Does he have a pulse? Creep. The team heads out. James catches up with Kate and inquires about Jack, Hurley and the rest(?).....aww he cares. Kate reassures him that they made it out of the temple. She doesn't know about Miles, however. Kate now asks if James is WITH 'Locke' and he replies that he 'ain't WITH nobody'. Good news Kate (and you too, ladies!) James is single! They catch up with the rest of the group. Smoke Monster/Locke announces they will stop and rest up. That they might be camped out for a few days. James takes umbrage with that. 'I thought you said we're getting OFF this rock," James demands. Smoke Monster/Locke insists they ARE but asks to speak to James in private. "I wish you hadn't interrupted me," Smoke Monster/Locke scolds. James "forgot his manners". (Haha I love this guy). Smoke Monster/Locke forgives him. James wants to know how he saved the peeps at the temple from the 'Smoke Thang'. He didn't, of course. He IS the 'Smoke Thang'. There you have it. The smokes outta the bag! I love the name Smoke Thang, by the way. It's a keeper! Smoke Thang gave the others an opportunity to leave peacefully and they didn't take it. He explains that the others are convinced that they are protecting the island from him, but all he wants is to leave. "Kill or be Killed," he announces......and he don't wanna be killed. This begs the question,'He CAN be killed!?'

Smoke Thang takes James to where the catamaran is docked. He shows James the island across the way, Hydra island. Smoke Thang asserts that passengers from the Ajira flight are camped out there. He wants James to run a 'recon' mission infiltrating their group and finding out whatever he can about them. He's 'confident' James can handle it because he considers James the "best liar (he) knows". Once he finds out everything he can, they will all 'fly' off the island. James is alone on Hydra Island. In the zoo to be exact. He reminisces over the cages he and Kate shared. The first time they fucked! He even finds the dress Kate was forced to wear inorder to seduce him. Aaaah, Those were the days.

At Camp Smoke Thang, Kate sits down next to Soulless Sayid to ask a few preguntas but he's just plain out of it. Just then, Crazy Claire attacks Kate at knife point. A brief struggle on the ground is further proof Sayid is LOST because he won't even look in their direction let alone lift a finger to aide Kate. (....or help Kooky Claire extract vengeance for that matter) Smoke Thang soon intercedes. Five fingers to Creepy Claire's grill proves Smoke Thang's pimp hand is VERY strong. Crackow! This dude's got all his ho'es in check. He made ME feel that shit. Bitch settle down! This is completely inappropriate," he disarms. You're tellin' me?! 'Inappropriate' is DEFINITELY the word.

Back on Hydra Island, the Ajira plane seems to be intact sitting on the man made beach runway where it was landed safely by pilot Frank Lapidus. There's an old campfire, some clothes and
supplies strewn around....oh yeah, and a pile of bodies. (You saw that chick with half her head blown off!? Sheesh.) Footsteps in the woods reveal a sole survivor who looks like Tina Fey's unbathed aunt. She alerts James that all the others were massacred while she was out gathering fire wood. She returned and piled them all up so they wouldn't rot in the island sun. She's got tons of questions, though. She thanks God when James tells her they aren't alone, but James is quick to insist "God ain't got nothin' to do with it." That line seemed directly pointed toward us fans who have been worried as of late that this show might wind up having revelations heavily routed in biblical lore. Looks like James' words may imply otherwise....or at least it will be rooted in the devil, more than in God.

Back to Camp Smoke Thang, 'Locke' apologizes to a visibly shaken Kate. He explains that HE told Crazy Claire the 'others' had Aaron. People sometimes need somebody to hate. Hate is very powerful. HE GAVE creepy Claire someone to hate, but the truth brought out her anger. Kate remarks that this is all "very insightful for a dead man". She changes topic. Wants to know where James is. Smoke Thang will SHOW her.

Over near Ajira, new bitch (Zoe) can't stop asking questions. Seems as though SHE'S the one on the Recon mission. Says she was on Ajira bound for Guam, where her boyfriend is. James ain't buyin' it. Pistols are drawn, but James is outgunned by Zoe's crew, led by the kid from 80s sitcom 'Kate & Allie' (good eye Bri) who take him to the docks at rifle the submarine!

Back over at island numero uno, Smoke Thang arrives at the shore with Kate and explains where James is. She injects that he could have just TOLD her where James was, but Smoke Thang is more interested in getting her alone to discuss some things. He insists he isn't a 'dead man'. He knows how Kate is feeling because he once had a crazy mother too. One who caused him great 'growing pains'. Problems he's still trying to work through. My main question here is: Are these truly Smoke Thing's memories or his he being
consumed by the memories of the real Locke, the man whose body he now inhabits. By what means... I have no clue. Kate's not sure where this is all going but Smoke Thang clears things up by letting her know that now Aaron has a crazy mom too now. Get it? Got it! Good.

Aboard the sub, James is led at gunpoint past a double padlocked door. "What's behind the door," we insist James inquires! He does, but he/we ain't getting any answers any time soon. He's led further inside to the office of the crews leader, Charles Widmore! James knows who he is....the asshole that wasted a whole season sending a freighter full of jerkoffs just to give us Miles. Next time send a parachute! James asserts that they were sent by Widmore him to KILL them all. Widmore rebuts that James knows 'very little'. James doesn't believe him and he cuts to the chase. He reveals to Widmore that he was sent to Hydra Island on a recon mission by 'Locke' who's dead (We know!!....BUT, listen, he's not Locke...we know...WE ALL KNOW!!!) James has a deal for him though. James will return to 'Locke' and tell him the coast is clear in order to lure 'Locke' there so that Widmore can kill him. They both smile and Widmore asks what James wants in exchange. He's got a two point plan: 1) His people don't get 'touched' (watch your words, dummy!) 2) They get safe passage off of the island. Seems James has turned on his Smokey leader. Widmore and James shake on it, they both assert that the other can't be trusted. So it seems both of them have just made a deal with a fool. Widmore, even, never
really laid out if Smoke Thing's death was really what he was interested in, and they part ways.

And at Camp Smoke Thang, Kate is startled when an apologetic yet still Kooky Claire sneaks up on her. Crazy Claire accepts that Kate cares about she and Aaron. Yeah, just keep an eye on yer rifle when your huggin' this bi-polar bear, umm'K?

Back to James who arrives back on island #1 to report back to Smoke Thang. James has figured out that Smokey didn't care much for knowing what the leftover passengers of the Ajira flight were up to.... but he let's him know that they're all dead just in case. He tells Smokes that Widmore and his crew have arrived, a name Smoke Thang is obviously familiar with. James basically spills the rest of the truth about what he told Widmore and what he saw
there. He inserts that Team Smoke Thang can now change their plan and catch them with their pants down. Oh, and he left out 1 minor thing, just the part in which he has now hedged his bets... James has just negotiated safe return from the island with both parties no matter who wins this next big altercation. If that IS indeed what this all is. I'm grasping at more than a few straws here when I theorize that there is only really 2 sides to this war...Jacob's or Smoke Thang's side. If that's true, does Widmore's team stand a chance without a mystical being like Smokey or Jacob at the helm? One would assume that he'd have to dissolve his crew into either Jacob or Smoke Thang's side of the battle. NOW that being said, we know Jacob stressed an evil man was coming to the island soon (Widmore!) That, coupled with the thought that he probably wouldn't be caught dead on the team with Ben, who's always really been on Team Jacob, despite his evil ways...and it's safe to say Widmore won't be on that team, unless he does some serious attitude adjusting. I'd say Smokey probably knew full well that Widmore and his crew have arrived...because he summoned him there to help him escape. That would mean that sending James there was just another long con, trying to deduced what side of the scale James was truly on. If that's the case, did he pass? Did he fail? Am I a raving lunatic (umm yes)

Finally, at Camp Smoke Thang, it's night time and Kate warms herself by the fire. James approaches and ask what's for dinner "rabbit!" (Of course! The DHARMA kind? Eating test rabbits does this cause some of all these unexplainable unnaturalness in the I'm REALLY reaching...I know) James fills Kate in on the truth about what's going on with Smoke Thang and Widmore (the truth as he knows it) He reassures her that he's not on either side. "Let them fight it out," he stresses, "and while their hands are full of each other, YOU and ME are getting off this island!" (vomit at team James/Kate) Shared smiles. Kate wonders who'll fly the plane. No need when they'll be taking the sub!

Things I'm pondering. Are you pondering what I'm pondering, Pinky?
  • Miles-X is alive and well in Universe-X. Does he have the ability to channel the dead in this universe as well?
  • Did Chang-X and his family ever go to the island under the DHARMA Iniatiave? If so, when did they leave? Is it related to the issues that made Roger 'Uncle Rico' Linus-X leave with Ben-X? Will the Flash Sideways ever be fully explained or does it not even matter in the grand scheme of things?! Does this Dr. Chang still have both his hands?
  • Sexy recap reader, Briana, wondered (asked me) why Ford-X let Kate-X go in the airport elevator in 'LA-X' if he was a cop all that time, when he seemed pretty keen that something criminal was go on with her. Thanks Bri, now you got me pondering this too.
  • What, or more importantly WHO, is being kept behind that door. Last week I hoped any combination of Desmond, Penny and family were aboard the sub with Charles Widmore. Could one of them be behind door number one? Here's to hoping! What/Ẁho is your guess?
A fun tale this week, no? No huge revelations but a lot of preparations and set ups for the big war that's about to come. Or so I think...but what do I know? Much like I feel in the New York City subway system, week after week, I just find myself..........................LOST!
- JB


  1. I'm also pondering the show's title 'Recon'

    -James 'Sawyer' Ford was sent on a 'Recon'(or Reconnaissance)mission by Smoke Thang to find out what the hubbub was around the Ajira landing area.

    -Zoe, also, seemed be on a bit of a Recon mission to scope out James once he was arrived. was Widmore expecting him? Or was Zoe dispatched simply because Widmore's crew heard a disturbance near the crash site?

    -Before I even new it was going to be a Ford-centric episode. I heard that the episode was entitled 'ReCon' I immediately thought of the word 'Con' and thought of James 'Sawyer' Ford. Is someone in this episode being 'ReConned' or Conned..again?

    -The 'Con' in con-job refers to 'confidence'. One pulls a confidence job when duping his victims. Smoke Thang seems to have great 'confidence' in Ford's lying ability.

    Seems like there's multiple hiding meanings this week. What else do you see there?

  2. great post, but could have used a few more pics of Rebecca Mader! haha (LOVE her!)

  3. I hate to say it but maybe "we" the audience are being conned! Is it a "red herring"?

  4. any episode that has Kate bawlin' like a little baby is thumbs up w/ me.

    Alyson, no bad thoughts or the LOST god will smite us for our bad faith ;)

  5. ok, so heeeere we go!

    I'm totally with you Jeff about the universe affecting one another, whether 1.0 is affecting X or vice -versa. i've been feeling like that since the beginning of the season but it really hit home last week with the Dr.Linus episode. but it seems like some people have learned a lesson (Ben) while others haven't (Kate) what"s up with that? (oh wait, we haven't got Kate's X version story yet have we?)

    ok and i just want to say that i was not happy with Charlotte's cameo.. are we gonna have to see her again? unfortunately i think so... cause i agree with Jeff, she was totally rummaging through his drawer looking for something and it didn't look like a t-shirt. some thoughts on that..
    - is she working for Whidmore again in this reality? if so, could she be the link that starts to bring these 2 worlds together?
    - or is she working for ''Anthony Cooper" aka Locke's dad? (although she an archeologist i'm sure she could be a good detective yeah? or am i reaching?)
    either way i just have a horrible feeling that we aren't done with her...

    just had a thought.. remember in the first season (or few) it would start with someone's eye, now we have someone looking in a mirror.. Alisa had an interesting theory : what if Universe X is a composite of pre-815 flight plus all that time on the island in Universe 1...can the mirrors be a way of them reflecting on their ''other'' life? (huh? what? i think i've gone cross-eyed!)

    now something that just don't sit right with me is the Claire-Kate-Locke thing... first i don't believe a word of what Locke says.. (i don't think he's down to rescue anybody) and how AWESOME was it when Claire tried to but that knife in Kate's neck! (did i get a lil too excited there?) but anyhoo, why did Locke tell Kate his crazy mother story and emphasize that Aaron now has a crazy mother too? and why did Claire do a 180 and all of sudden realized Kate was trying to do the right thing? That whole thing just seems fishy.. like Locke telling Claire to bide her time or something, wait until you have Aaron back and then kill her! hahaha! (i don't know..)

    and another thing, Claire's creepy baby thing.. it kinda looks like the statue of Tawaret...

    Another thought... I think Locke is trying to get his people to kill team Jacob and then he's gonna kill everyone on the island.. what do you think? He just doesn't seem like the savior type... and can he really be killed or is he talking smack, i just don't believe a word this dude says! it seems like he says what's convenient to get people to do what he wants them to...and his comment to Sawyer about being the best liar he knows.. takes one to know one huh?

    which brings me to Whidmore, are they really enemies? Cause as bad as Ben was he was all about ''saving'' the island and they never got along. Also, Whidmore WAS banished from the island.... and as you pointed out Jeff, he never said he wanted to kill Locke.. so why is he really there? who's side is he on? and where's Eloise and what side is she on? things that make you go hmmm...

    oh and that officer Ford letting Kate go in the elevator.. hasn't he always tried to protect her on the island.. and if the universes affect each other then perhaps it was 1.0 rubbing off on X.. you know?

    great recap as always Jeff! OH! and i can't wait for this Richard episode! it believe it going to be GRRREAT!

  6. Holy shit Jeff, what an amazing job you do here! Kudos to you my friend!

    I'm gonna guess that Ford-X's girlfriend is not Ana Lucia. No universe can be sideways enough to ever turn that woman straight. Just for the hell of it, I'll say that maybe Miles-X's girlfriend is Libby (fingers crossed for a lolipop). Speaking of Miles and Ford-X, whats with the homoerotic parnership they had?

    Finally,of-course there's no doubt that Sawyer is unbelievable in bed! But I'm still a Jack girl :)

  7. I meant to say Miles-X's girlfriend is not Ana Lucia...

  8. Well done jeffery... Another intresting episode in the final season. Lets get started.

    1) Recon... interesting title. I think Kate is gonna flip the script and con our boy Sawyer. The fact that he let her go at the airport leads me to believe that he has a soft spot for her. We did not know he was a cop then, but any good cop who suspects someone is a fugitive would try to pursue and detain her. Just look at when Kate smacked into Sawyer and Miles car... they jumped right into the chase and Sawyer actually caught her!!! This is truly an alternate reality, cause Sawyer is the most shadiest character on the island next to Ben, and here in this universe-x they both seem to be straight shooters...

    Moving along, I just want to say FUCK YOU to JJ and Damon, as well as all the writers of Lost. Zoe... really??? ANOTHER NEW CHARACTER... R U FUCKING SERIOUS. They didnt have to give her a name. She could just been the girl that Sawyer chased through the woods. But once they were on the sub, Whidmore addressed her personally. If she turns out to even be semi important, I will call bullshit. You cant introduce somebody so late and then make them important. The Richard episode is coming up, and we are FINALLY gonna get some answers about him... but he has been in our face the whole time. We might not KNOW anythingg about hime, but he has been around. This bitch is just appearing out of the blue... whats up with that.

    My next comment ties into the above. Stop introducing new characters, and GET BACK TO THE OLDER ONES WHO ARE JUST GONE!!!!! Walt, Desmond, Faraday, Faraday's Mom Dukes, Aaron... WTF. Just a glimpse maybe, and I wont feel so bad. But so far, in season 6, we got a WHOLE GROUP OF NEW PEOPLE(THE TEMPLE CREW), Dogen, Lennon, now Zoe... come on. The Walt things is really bothering me. The WHOLE 2ND SEASON WAS ABOUT HIM. He was made to have powers both ON AND OFF the Island. Now he is just gone.... thanks a bunch.

    Also, my theory on the locked room on the sub is as follows: One of the above mentioned characters better be in that room. Thats it, my line in the sand is drawn. If one of the 5 people above are not in the room, it better be the briefcase from Pulp Fiction opened up facing the camera, cause finding out whats in that case would be the only thing to soften the blow. JJ, I am trusting u guys will so the right thing... lets see.

    Looking foward to Jacob and Richard episodes to clear up some questions. Till then, Im with u Jeff... Lost and Loving It!!!

  9. And the smack that Locke laid down on Claire was epic... His pimp hand was strong, son. Thought he was gonna pull out a wire hanger, heat it on the open fire, and brand his bottom bitch... also, just for the record, You would be crazy to if u were 18 or so, had a baby on an island after your plane crashed, then had your baby taken from u... Claire is not crazy, she is just coping. Most people would have shot themselves in the head by now.

  10. You guys always keep me on my toes......

    Francie says: "..why did Locke tell Kate his crazy mother story and emphasize that Aaron now has a crazy mother too?"

    I'm thinking either:
    A) Smoke Thing really did have a crazy mother and he's just trying to relate as he cozies up to each candidate

    B) Smoke Thing is just bullshitting as he cozies up to each candidate.

    C) Now that Smoke Thing is trapped in Locke's body, as Ilana said, he is actually starting to be consumed with Locke's thoughts and he can't distinguish between Locke's thoughts and his own. Remember, Locke's mom was a dingbat.

    D) In some grand time leap screw up Smoke Thing is actually Claire's son, Aaron, and therefore she IS his crazy mum.

    It's just too soon to tell!

    Francie says: "....why did Claire do a 180 and all of sudden realized Kate was trying to do the right thing? That whole thing just seems fishy.. like Locke telling Claire to bide her time or something, wait until you have Aaron back and then kill her! hahaha! (i don't know..)"

    Possibly, yeah sure. I like it. I think they may just be flushing out Claire's new personality, though. A bi-polar one that loves you one minute, wants to kill you the next. A symptom of the 'infection' perhaps. Sayid just seems vacant in his infection. Not very 'polar' at all. Hmmm. So you could be correct!

    Francie says: "....and his comment to Sawyer about being the best liar he knows.. takes one to know one huh?"

    Get outta mah brain!! I said the exact same thing to myself when Smoke Thing said that to James.

    Francie says : "....which brings me to Whidmore, are they really enemies? Cause as bad as Ben was he was all about ''saving'' the island and they never got along. Also, Whidmore WAS banished from the island.... and as you pointed out Jeff, he never said he wanted to kill Locke.. so why is he really there? who's side is he on? and where's Eloise and what side is she on? things that make you go hmmm..."

    I'm getting the impression everyone thinks they're doing what's right for the island, with their own needs sometimes getting the best of them or playing a close second to the needs of the island itself. In this case they are all neither 'good' nor 'evil' just protecting the island the way they feel is best. If I was splitting sides up I'd say Smoke Thing and Widmore are in cahoots. Ben and Jacob in cahoots.

    ailagg says : "Holy shit Jeff, what an amazing job you do here! Kudos to you my friend!"

    Thank you, thank you very much. I appreciate the love of my readers. I love all your insightful posts as well. Keeps me going in the 6 day interim.

    ailagg says: " Just for the hell of it, I'll say that maybe Miles-X's girlfriend is Libby (fingers crossed for a lolipop)."

    Anything is possible in sideways town. I'll mark you down for the upcoming lollipop awards. I'd like to think Hurley finally gets the girl in his flash sideways...and he'll be getting himself some Libby.

  11. more.....

    Mike D. says: "I think Kate(X) is gonna flip the script and con our boy Sawyer(X). The fact that he let her go at the airport leads me to believe that he has a soft spot for her. We did not know he was a cop then, but any good cop who suspects someone is a fugitive would try to pursue and detain her."

    This would be a fun twist. Sideways Sawyer deserves to be conned if you ask me. I'd like to see this play out. A friend of my pointed out that James Ford wasn't supposed to be on a flight to Sydney so he may have not wanted to blow up his own spot by getting to involved in the scenario with Kate in the airport. Didn't stop him from flirting a little though. You can send a cop on vacation but you can't knock the playah off his game, son!

    Mike D says: "... really??? ANOTHER NEW CHARACTER... R U FUCKING SERIOUS. They didnt have to give her a name. She could just been the girl that Sawyer chased through the woods. But once they were on the sub, Whidmore addressed her personally. If she turns out to even be semi important, I will call bullshit. You cant introduce somebody so late and then make them important."

    I wholeheartedly agree, Mike. I can't take all these new introductions when they have so little time left. Caesar, Dogen, Lennon, now Zoe! They all wind up dead in 2 episodes anyway. Why not just bring back a character that Sawyer hasn't bumped into before or something...or like you said...just don't give her a name. Perhaps just a red shirt. I don't want to be on a first name basis with these 1 episode wonders. I hate I love I hate it, I mean I love it! I can't topic....

    Mike D. says "Also, my theory on the locked room on the sub is as follows: One of the above mentioned characters better be in that room. Thats it, my line in the sand is drawn."

    What's in the locked dooor ...what's in the locked door(whimper). If it's someone other than the 20 characters we're waiting to see more of, they're just wasting precious time. Get Aaron, Walt or Yijeon (Desmond, Daniel, Eloise...) in that coat room pronto!

    Mike D says "If one of the 5 people above are not in the room, it better be the briefcase from Pulp Fiction opened up facing the camera..."

    Mike D. says "...also, just for the record, You would be crazy to if u were 18 or so, had a baby on an island after your plane crashed, then had your baby taken from u... Claire is not crazy, she is just coping. Most people would have shot themselves in the head by now."

    Very insightful. I think most of us have been relying Dogen's word that Claire has been 'infected'. They're all a pile of liars on the show though so your thought is just as poignant.

    Keep up the good work everybody!

  12. REPOST from a pal.
    Papa James says: "The Yin and Yang of life is essential to a morality play. People being put into situations and how they react. And whether they make the right choices and are the right choices always the most moral. Like Richard killing the doctor.
    It's a morally gray issue we have here. Richard was wrong to kill him but the doctor was wrong to let her die because he did not have enough money for medicine... Anyone smell an allegory to our healthcare opponets out there??? I did.(that's for you Dave hehe)
    All of these characters have made bad choices.
    Jacob believes that people are redeemable. That we have worth and compassion.
    Smokie is the malevalence an the tyranny of evil. He lied to Sayid the way he lied to Richard, only Sayid had no one to save him and he immediately made the wrong choice to get what he wanted. Does this make Sayid a bad man? Yes and No. He is misguided. Like Eko, did what he had to do, sold drugs was a bully but he protected his brother and his people. It was the brothers faith that kept him an innocent holy man but it was Eko's bravado and killer instinct that kept them both alive.

    The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee.

    Pulp Fiction, quoting from the bible.
    Jack Shepard is here for a reason he is our righteous character. Who will be the yin to his yang? To banish Smokie and bring balance back to the island, is My question. Sawyer is a great candidate.
    I'd imagine smokie needs Sayid, Claire and Sawyer to fight Whidmore, who will prove to be helpful. Remember that Ben had been a stoolie of the smoke monster for a long time. He cast out Whidmore and started to shift power. Smokie must fear Whidmore. He was a bad ass protector of the Island long before Linus came round.

    That quote, one of my favorites ever, also highlights that even God himself has to be evil at some level. To allow us to suffer, to die young, to die in the hundreds and thousands at war or from famine, or too leave us here with no proof that there is salvation. To keep us in check by asking us to do right just for the sake of it. To allow Tsunamis, Earthquakes etc.
    That's kinda sick
    But it is balance. Without great good there would only be evil and that would never work and vice versa.
    Like the cryptic end to The Matrix trilogy.
    Without Neo(good) there could be no Smith(evil) so they cancelled each other out. Which is what Jacob is trying to help them do. Help them snuff out Smokie.
    Clearer?? Or not?? My intellect can be dizzying. I'm gonna go shoot hoops so I don't have to think for a good hour I'm in pain now."
