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April 13, 2010

The Best "Situation" Met Fans Will Be In All Season

The NY Mets are the other MLB team that play their games in NYC. Their big brothers, The NY Yankees, have won 27 world championships and are looking to repeat off of last years World Series title. The Mets, or The Mutts as they have been known at times, have a rocky history to say the least. When you play sports in NY, you are expected to win... no questions asked. You gotta get it done. And even though they won 2 titles in 1969 and 1986, the bad times have far outweighed the good ones for the kids from Queens. Over the last 3 seasons expectations have been really high... but whether it was choking away a huge division lead in 2008 or the crazy freak injuries of 2009, they could not make the postseason. With everyone back healthy and ready to go, the Mets looked hungry. Then the season started, and the old losing ways came back... they are currently 2-4 and they look like they are back to their losing ways.
Anyway, I saw this commercial the other day and thought it was hysterical. It features Mike "The Situation" from The Jersey Shore and NY Mets 3rd Baseman David Wright training for the upcoming season. David is trying to turn the corner after a rough 2009, and "The Situation" has some new tactics for him to try out. Check it out, and if you are a NY Met fan, take solace in this cool ass commercial... cause you got no shot this season on the field!!! Oooohhhhh... sick burn. 


  1. boo on your met pic...=(
    But that commercial is HYSTERICAL! Thanks! I love it!

  2. When will someone shoot these Jersey Shore degenerates...WHEN?!
