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April 14, 2010

I Fucking Hate Hurley... But Jorge Garcia Is Kinda Cool

I am a huge Lost fan, and I am convinced that the show is pure perfection. But if there is one thing that I can not stand about the series, it's resident island fatty Hurley. Ever since the first time I watched the show, all I could think about was how this fathead was gonna die. Ain't no way a tubby bitch like this was gonna make it on a deserted island... let alone a time hopping, polar bear infested tropcal island. Shit, I even thought the rest of the castaways would put a stake up his fat ass and have some "Suckling Cubano" for dinner with Jack getting the first piece. But no dice. Hurley is still around, and as we get to the last few episodes of the entire series Hurley is proving to be quite important. This means more exposure for Jorge Garcia, and when I was flipping through the April/May 2010 issue of Complex magazine I saw a small featurette on Tubby McTubenstein himself. After reading it, I came to a pretty crazy conclusion: Hurley may be a dick, but Jorge Garcia is pretty fucking cool. So  went to the Complex website, and found this video of his photoshoot. Pretty cool stuff when its all said and done. Maybe Hurley is not half so bad... nah, fuck all that noise. I hope MIB infiltrates Hurley's asshole and inflates him till he pops. Oh wait, he must be doing that already... hahahahaha.But seriously, I have a new respect for our boy Jorgie... good luck in the future you ginormous son of a bitch!!!  Enjoy!!!


  1. As usless as you may think his character is at times. He truly does break the tension by saying things and asking questions that I find myself wondering why no one asks and/or says. I feel like Hurley, along with Miles, represent 'us' in the equation alot of times.

    That being said, Jorge Garcia seems like very cool peeps. A real down to earth regular dude who likes alot of similar stuff that we do! I've been following him since since our days on 'Myspace' and have recently found his personal weekly blog 'Dispatches From The Island' in which he discusses regularly things that I love...filming LOST, preparing exotic food dishes, and general pop culture. Check it out if you haven't already:

  2. I like the character AND the actor... though I definitely think that nigga needs to drop some LBs!
