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May 10, 2010

Do You Want To Be Iron Man ? Got 100 Mil ?

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a superhero??? Not like Kick-Ass, where the kids dress up as heroes but rely on guns and karate to inflict pain on the bad guys... but a real superhero, like Iron Man. All the tech, the tricked out armor, the fame and fortune that would come with being a world renown bad ass... wouldn't it be great???

The guys over at IO9 have figured out how much it would cost you, for real though. This is not a silly list of made up materials, this is an honest to god guide to building a functioning Iron Man suit of armor. Everything from a computer in the helmet, to boot rockets, to weaponry... its all here. This is a really cool list. Good job fellas. Check out the full story over at IO9 here. Enjoy the list, and and if you got a 100 mil or so laying around, its time for you to grasp your destiny and start fighting crime. Good Luck!!!

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