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May 19, 2010

Lost-A-Thon to Raise Money For Charity

These guys are on to something here... and they deserve their props. 3 buddies named Aaron Rosenthal,, Alex Green and Mike Berlin are about to try to break the Guinness Book of World Records for most consecutive hours of TV watched. They plan on doing this by watching all 6 seasons of Lost consecutively, leading up to the series finale this Sunday, May 23rd at 7pm. Now while this doesn't sound so crazy, since they are trying to actually break the Guinness Record they will be monitored... and in order for all 3 of their names to appear as record holders, all three of them have to make it through the finale. Oh, and did I mention that they are raising money for charity with this stunt??? How great is that. I love when geeks like me get great ideas to do something cool and do something great for people at the same time. If you want more information on the Lost-A-Thon or would like to donate some money to the cause, click here. I hope you will stop bye and give a bit. The Lost-A-Thon begins at 12 AM on May 20th. Good job fellas, cant wait to see you guys in next years Guinness Book!!! 

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