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May 5, 2010

Welcome to Arizona, The Racist State...

There has been a lot of controversy over the new anti-immigrant legistlation that has recently been passed in the state of Arizona. Under the new laws, people would have to produce immigration documents as well as identification if stopped by police. It also give police the right to make these stops based on appearences alone... which is called racial profiling. Naturally, an uproar has ensued and people are arguing the merit of the whole law up and down, back and forth throughout this great country of ours. Not to get overly political, but here at CCD we love everybody equally. Except the people we don't like... but that has nothoing to do with color or race, it's just because we don't like you...

But anyway, I digress. At the center of this whole controversy is the state of Arizona, which is no stranger to racial controversies at all. With it's proximity to the border of Mexico, illegal immigrants are a huge concern for the state and it's officials. Something had to be done, and this is what they are proposing. The only thing is, Arizona has a history of being racial insensitive. No, let me rephrase that. Arizona has been known to just not give a fuck when it comes to minorities. Back in the 80's, Govenor Fife Symington and Senator John McCain actively opposed  the celebration of Martin Luther King Day, and they were not alone. Then President Ronald Reagan also opposed the idea, but his major concern was economic (cost) fallout of another holiday (wink, wink) This all came to a head in 1991, when Arizona drew national attention for it's opposition of MLK day and McCain reversed his decision, instead supporting the holiday. Hip Hop's political assassins, Public Enemy, produced this classic tune, By The Time I Get To Arizona, to express just how mad african americans were about this racial injustice. It caused quite a stir at the time, and just thought it would be cool to revisit given the current state of affairs. Hope our friends in Arizona get to a good place and come up with a fair solution to this border problem. If not, expect Chuck D and the crew to come out with another tune...

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