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June 10, 2010

"Artin it Up" with Tommy Lombardozzi - Chillin In The Park Edition

Hello, friends. Hope you’ve had a good week.

So, this past Monday, my brother and I took our little cousin visiting from Vegas (as well as his wife and baby son) to the High Line. The High Line is basically an old transport trolley system in the Meat Packing District of NYC that has recently been converted to an elevated park. It’s a really cool spot, right over the delicious Chelsea Market! I’m not here to give history lessons, so, you can read all about it here:

Anyway, I brought along my camera. I got some really cool shots of the river, some really awesome-looking buildings (some of that architecture down there is just mind blowing!), and some shots of people. Sometimes I wish I could just snap away at interesting looking people; freaks, geeks, creeps, hot chicks, old folk. But, sometimes that can be a little weird. But, I did get some photos that I thought were kinda cool, and, I thought they may be even cooler to draw. So, that’s what I did for this week’s “Artin’ It Up”.

I chose four photographs that depicted couples. Not romantic couples (though one shot was of just that), but a duo; two people. Yes, that’s what a duo is.

These took me several hours. They are all in colored pencil, a medium which I have been enjoying lately. I was left with numb fingertips (my thumb and pointer fingers on my right hand), just like the night I did all those ‘Lost’ drawings for CCD. Man, what a trooper I am! I hope you enjoy my stuff this week.

So, without further ado, I give you



Here was a cute little Spanish girl and what appeared to be her young homosexual friend. They were either doing their homework or talking about boys. Let you imagination go wild with this one!

Drawing #2: “LOVERS IN THE PARK”

This girl had gotten up on her tip-toes to kiss her Nordic lover-man, knocking her sunglasses off of her head in the process. I snapped the shot, and walked by them, informing her that she dropped her glasses. She thanked me in some foreign accent (German, Dutch, Swedish? I don’t know.) Aww, Spring romance in bloom! Betcha he had a boner! PS. Her legs were a lot nicer in person/in the photo. I made them a little squat to fit the page. Sorry.

Drawing #3: “MOTHER & SON IN THE PARK”

This goofy little bastard seemed to be really amazed by his environment, so I got a picture of him. He seemed a little too old to be in a stroller, but what the hell do I know? I thought it was a nice shot.


These two dudes were chillin’ on the big steps, both using their mobile devices to talk to some bitches, probably. They both had on very colorful outfits, and I tried to convey that in my drawing (though I didn’t actually use any of the colors they were wearing). These guys musta been early college age, I’d say, sorta rocking that Pharrell style of dress.

And that’s it for this week, kiddies. Lemme know what ya think. I appreciate the feedback and pleasantries. Also, as always, support the C.C.D. page by telling your friends, posting the link on Facebook, or tattooing the URL on your momma’s ass!

I hope you’ve enjoyed my stuff and I hope I’ve given you a new, excellent NYC location to visit this summer.

Smile up!


  1. PS. "Chillin' In The Park" is Mike's title. I would never say "chillin' in the park". Haha.

  2. you just said it.

    Great job. I like the last one the best. You got very detailed in that one.

    All those broads could get it. I'm just sayin'

  3. Yeah, that one of the brothas is my favorite, too.

    And yes, your last line is correct as well! Haha.

    Thanks, Jeffrey.

  4. Interesting work, Tommy. Thanks for sharing.
