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June 18, 2010

God damn Megan Fox... I Said God damn!!!

I've had this ready to go for a minute, but decided to hold it for today in honor of Megan Fox's new film Jonah Hex, which comes out on the big screen today. The movie, starring Josh Brolin as Hex and Fox as a scantily clad hooker, looks mighty good. How successful it will be during summer blockbuster season is a different story all together. Anyway, lets get back to the hotness that is Megan Fox...

In the upcoming June/July issue of Interview magazine, we are blessed to get a two for one kinda deal... Zack Galifianakis of The Hangover interviews Megan Fox, asking some pretty interesting questions. You can read a snippet of the interview here. But that is not the highlight of the article. That belongs to the photo spread that accompanies the interview. In it, good old Megan lives up to her last name as she poses with a mannequin modeled to look like her in some pretty compromising positions. I think there will be a few more pics in the actual magazine release, but enjoy these for now... and go see Jonah Hex, so it makes some money and we get some more second and third tier comic titles on the big screen. Thank you for being you Meg, you sexual deviant you...

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