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June 7, 2010

Slow Down Les, Ya Killing 'Em

When I heard that Les Grossman (Tom Cruise), super producer, would be producing the MTV Awards... well, lets just say I thought that he would get in on the act to say the least. Les isn't the type of executive to sit back and allow some panzy ass stars to ruin his big show with childish behavior and sub-par performances. Grossman was sure to intervene. And watching the show last night, you knew it was coming.

First, we get a first hand look to into a pitch meeting with Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner about a new buddy police action flick they should do. Grossman is joined by trusty #2 Bill Hader as he tries to show the Twilight stars which direction their careers should take. Next, we see Les bum rush the stage while Hangover stars Ed Healms and Ken Jeong performed "The Tiger Song" dressed as a cloud and tiger, respectively. Grossman ain't going for it... so he jumps on the stage (a fucking trampoline?!?) and uses guests Ludacris and J-Lo to make it happen!!! Two great clips from a mega star like Tom Cruise having fun and playing a character that the fans love. All too often stars shun the roles that fans love them in... I'm glad that although he may be crazy, Cruise is smart enough to realize the crowd can not get enough. Enjoy the clips.

Grossman pitches Lautner & Pattinson

Grossman Interupts Helms and Jeong

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