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August 6, 2010

Commercially Acclaimed #8- Adidas Mega Diner

TV commercials are a part of our everyday lives as TV viewers. Even though Tivo and DVR have allowed us to "skip through" the commercials, the advertising companies a still trying to peak our interests by coming up with creative commercials. To me, great commercials are an art form and are under appreciated by a society that is always trying to speed through things. Think about it... how many times did you see a great commercial that made you laugh hysterically or want to go out and purchase the advertised product??? And how many times has the best part of the Super Bowl been the commercials during a blow out game??? Whether you want to admit it or not, commercials are cool as shit... and here are some of my favorites.

Todays selection comes from the excellent marketing department over at Adidas. Fresh off there Star Wars catina video that was freakin awesome, we get introduced to the Mega Diner... and at the Mega Diner they serve kicks up fresh 24/7, 365.... check it out!!! I would eat here any day.

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