I have been eagerly anticpating the announcement of who would play the female lead, Lizbeth Sadler, in the US adaption of "The Girl with The Dragon Tattoo". The Swedish book series, called the Millenium triology by Stieg Larson, is a huge bestseller & the Swedish film was the biggest in that countries history. The big female stars of Hollywood have been circling this part for months now. Natalie Portman, Scarlett Johanson, Carey Mulligan... all of the young starlets would sell their souls for this part. Well, looks like David Fincher went in a different direction. He has chosen relative unknown (at least compared to those chicks above) Rooney Mara in the coveted part. Who is Rooney Mara? Well, I'm glad you asked. She brought the female heroine Nancy back to life in the 2010 remake of A Nightmare On Elm St, and she was pretty good at holding of the Dreammaster in the so-so movie. She is also set to appear in Fincher's The Social Network, which tells the story of the guys who created Facebook. That movie is going to be large, so expect to see Mara begin to gain some recognition shortly. She is also the granddaughter of New York Giant owner Wellington Mara, on her pops side... and Art Rooney, the owner of the Pittsburg Steelers, on her moms side. That makes her a double billionaire heiress as well. This means she can take the roles she wants in order to become a better actress since she don't need the money. Her sister Kate is also an actress (and future OHC of the day, lol) that is currently playing Eric's assistant on Entourage. These two NFL princesses will be making some power moves in Hollywood for years to come. Enjoy the photos, and please comment below on our new friend and Obscure Hot Chick of the Day, Rooney Mara!!!

***Click read more below to see the rest of the pics of Rooney Mara***
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