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October 23, 2010

CCD's 1st Annual All-Horror Week Is HERE....

... and how do we know it is here? Because of that cool ass banner above that Tommy Lombardozzi was gracious enough to do for us says so... and AMC FearFest has started, and this year they are going in!!! Click here for the full schedule, which includes horror movies from the 1940's all the way up until the new crop of horror movies. You got everything from 28 Days Later to The Texas Chainsaw Masscre, from the 1944 classic The Lodger to Funny Games... they even got some Halloween themed 3 Stooges episodes and stuff like that. All horror for the rest of the month... que them DVR's son! And the best part: It all culminates with the world premiere of The Walking Dead on Halloween Night!!!! God, I can not wait for that motherfuckering show... it just looks rediculous!!!! On a side note, today, Saturday the 23rd of October, AMC is showing both the 1931 versions of Frankenstien & Dracula starting at 10 AM. Catch Boris Karloff & Bela Lugosi playing the Universal monsters in all their glory!!! The Scary Season starts now!!!

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