This is the 1st clip that has been released John Cameron Mitchell's upcoming Rabbit Hole. The film stars Academy Award actresses Nicole Kidman & Diane Wiest as well as Sandra Oh (Grey's Anatomy), Giancarlo Espisito (Fresh), and Two Face himself Aaron Eckhart. This movie sounds like it s gong to be pretty crazy. It involves a couple (Kidman & Eckhart) trying to get over the death of their young son at the hands of a teenage driver. Both are struggling to cope with the child's loss in different ways and trying desperately to hold their marriage together. Kidman chooses to cope by developing a relationship with the teenage driver who killed her son, while Eckhart chooses to find solace in others outside his relationship. It sounds like an extermely complicated, heartfelt drama that I am eager to see. The movie is garnering Oscar buzz like crazy for all those involved as well as the movie itself, so you will be hearing a lot about this one in the months to come. The movie releases on December 17th, so make sure you try to fit this one into your schedule. You can check out the trailer as well as some stills from Rabbit Hole after the jump by clicking Read more below.

So, are you interested in this movie? Will you be going to see it? Tell us in the comment section below. Remember, Rabbit Hole opens on December 17th.
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