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November 5, 2010

Even Vader Wants To Kill Jar Jar... Get Em Boba!!!

Hey, Episode 1 haters... suck on this one time!!! 

Check out this cool Lego Star Wars short movie by M2Films entitled Bombad Bounty that re-imagines some key elements of the original Star Wars trilogy... by adding the clueless Jar Jar Binks into the mix (I wish I could see Joe Esq face as he read that last sentence... the smoke must be pouring out of his ears!!!) Now, before you guys start crying foul, understand that its a funny video, clearly made to be a joke, and that Jar Jar is a clueless baffoon. You gotta love Vader's arm cast, the Millenium Falcon guitar, the Indiana Jones rock mowing down Boba Fett on the Death Star, and Yoda on drums... great, funny video all around. Great job guys. Keep em coming!!!

Ok Joe, eevn you gotta admit that was a funny video, in spite of Jar Jar... no? Tell us in the comment section below!!!

1 comment:

  1. This was WAY to phenominal for words.

    Great find!

    PS I WANT a full audio version of that Reggae enhanced celebration song!
