Lange & The Dude |
When I was a kid I had the hugest crush on Jessica Lange. She is so F'n hot in King Kong, I totally had my first boners that I can recall to her. Anyway, she always had a special place in my heart (and my groin) as the years past.
Boing.... nerd boner! |
Today, my boy Jeff Bond sent me word that she is starring in a new dramatic series opposite the lovely Connie Briton (Friday Night Lights) and Denis O'Hare (Russel on True Blood) for FX. Te series will feature a horror/sci-fi tone, but other then that there ain't much else to know about it right now.
FX has had some great shows (The Shield, Justified and Damages were great, and Rescue Me may be my favorite show of the last 10 years) in the past, and I recently became hooked on Sons of Anarchy (it's on Netflix Instant and is sooooo amazing)... with a track record like that and Lange's beautiful mug, I'll take a gander at this show on general principle. Check back in a couple of month's for more news on this one....
Ryan Murphy ('Glee' & 'Nip/Tuck') is directing I believe