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'Death Star Defensive Systems' It's funny...because it's true!
'Bygones Be Bygones' posits the idea that, possibly with a little more love during the holidays, Freddy and Jason may have been able to overcome their 'demons'...so to speak.
I also love the artists tag-lines.....
"Jason and Freddy confront an even greater TERROR...THEIR PAST!!!"
"It's time for these cult classic FRIGHTMARES to live and let die."
'Nosfera2-D2' ? Creepy mash-up idea for sure...why the hell not!
Not sure why 'Psycho Kong' mashes up murderous horror villain Jason Voorhees and sometimes fun-loving villain-turned hero 'Donkey Kong'...but, I love the attempt!
'Soldier of the Great Empire'...simple....but, galactically fantastic!
'Han Shot First' adds to the controversy of who the original trigger-man was in Episode IV with this Star Wars/Mega Man mash-up. I can almost FEEL that blast moving across the screen at a snail's pace as per the original game series.
I heart 'Doctor V. Hearts J. Kirby'! It's a Star Wars/Marvel mash-up in the style of Jack Kirby's classic comic art of course. Anyway you spell it...it means gloom and doom ...for you!
'Finger Fence Off'...Love Love Love the meek, finger-bladed Edward Scissorhands squaring off against the ferocious antagonist of dreams. ...and just get a gander at those on-lookers! Sharp...very sharp!
'Wok, This Way' ...and talk this way "Jub Jub!"
'Spoiler Alert' reveals the twist of the classic Sci Fi film once the lights go out at your place. Genius! Seeing that kid's Kool-Aid smile makes me hope that he had a ton of actual Kool-Aid to wash that hearty sandwich down once he realizes that it just taTASTES like chicken...but really is people.
What's better than dinner between friends? Dinner between mortal enemies! 'Italian Night' touts just that. Seems like Mario make it. ;)
'The Ultimate Possession' cleverly mashes up two icons of horror Chucky & Billy. If that trike bell starts a ching-chingin' ...best to just move out the way. Or else!
'til next time wearer's of shirts!
that lightning one is really sick!