Yesterday I decided to push my already twisted perspective on what is to terrible to watch for normal people to an all time new low, even for me. You see, lets just say that I have a history of watching/exposing others to seriously demented movies. You want examples... OK. I'm the guy who was 7 years old and renting EVERY SINGLE HORROR title in the mom & pop video shop on 110 st & Liberty Avenue because the teens who worked there would rent anything to anybody as long as there were no adults around. I'm also the guy who took his very normal girlfriend on a date to see a midnight screening of 'Cannibal Holocaust',which resulted in her crying in the car and almost breaking up with me. I'm even the guy had his 2 year old son in a highchair watching rare Fulci & Argento DVD's because I figured he wouldn't remember them (he does... and now he is a horror fanatic like I was at his age). I am a deviant when it comes to watching films. Yet when I sat down yesterday for a double feature of The Human Centipede 2 & A Serbian Film, I had no way to take into account for what was about to happen to me. Let's just say I am changed... changed forever. And not in a good way... not at all.
Click after the jump to read more (spoilers & depravity ahead)...
Welcome to the Thunderdome, bitch!!! |
Since I was going to be home and the Twitterverse/Facebook world was buzzing about Human Centipede 2 being on Video On Demand, I figured I would give it a shot. Once I saw that it was available on IFC On Demand, I made it happen... but first I fried up a lovely turkey & cheddar cheese omelet. As I sat down and started the film, I realized that I had clearly made a mistake. Scenes from the 1st Centipede jumped across the screen, and I felt my stomach turning as I caught my first glimpse of Martin (the new bad guy). I even tweeted the following:
"About to watch Human Centipede 2 on . Love my girl I know this is gonna be a tough 1right after breakfast! "
I knew my instincts were right when the action began, and from the very beginning Martin does not disappoint. This maniac hits people in the head with crow bars, shoots a few folks in the kneecaps (just to disable them, not to kill them), and duct tapes the shit out of them in preparation for his attempt at a real life Human Centipede. Yup, in this film (H.C.2) Martin exists in our world, and he has been driven crazy trying replicate the experiment the good Doctor executed in Human Centipede 1. He works in some dank underground garage which provides him with countless people no one will miss as he attempts to expand the Centipede from 3 people to 12. Good Fucking God.
Hot, no??? |
Director Tom Six uses black and white for most of the movie, and I have to say it makes everything even more fucked up. Creepy ass martin walks around in his undies with his over-sized belly sticking out and his lunatic mother nagging the shit out of him. He is stockpiling bodies for the experiment left and right... and then he has the best idea yet: He is going to invite the original actor & actresses from Centipede 1 (Ashlynn Yennie, Ashley Williams, and Akihiro Kitamura) to his hometown under the guise of a false audition with Quentin Tarantino so that he can include them in his 12 person Centipede!!! What a great fucking idea... wow, mad points to Tom Six! This is a great way to get the old gang back, because even though their CHARACTERS died in H.C. 1, they are alive in the real world, right? All in all, very meta...
So I am not going to get into full on specifics on each kidnapping/handicapping Martin gets into, but lets just say they are all very brutal and not very hygienic. Two scenes stick out to me the most. One involved a black couple with a baby... and that one even freaked me out. I even tweeted this afterward:
Thanks Mike for the review. I will NEVER watch it!
ReplyDeleteIRREVERSIBLE was enough for me...I don't know if I can stomach this.
ReplyDeleteA Serbian Film is actually worse than HC2. If you just read a summary about it, you will want to take a shower and duct tape your privates to yourself.
ReplyDeleteJames, wont you do that anyway?
ReplyDeleteAs with HC1... I am not sure I wanna watch this. Ugh.
True true, but A Serbian Film would make me do it again...
ReplyDeleteJames, did you actually see Serbian Film? I did, and it is way more awful then could ever be expressed on some synopsis... trust me. Wait till you see my thoughts on this tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteAs for Irreversible, both of these movies make that movie look like a boy scout recruitment video. And that movie (Irreversible) is tough!!!
If I remember right HC2 was banned here in the UK, because it has no redeeming qualities or some such. Don't know if that's still the case, but it wasn't allowed to be released at first anyway.
ReplyDeleteAnd for some reason, I want to see it now.
I can't wait to see both of these. Hoping to make it to the theater to see HC2.