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December 29, 2011

The Harry Potter Crew... Anime Style!!!

I am of the opinion that the Harry Potter movie series is the best overall collection of related movies in the history of cinema. Yup, its true. Only The Lord Of The Rings trilogy comes close. Why, you ask? Because each and every film in the series is fantastic and grows the franchise. Almost all other series have missteps along the way... but not HP. Due to it's overwhelming awesomeness, you are going to get some weird re-imaginings of the cast courtesy of fans all across the world. Case in point: Holy Taco gathered up 25 weird and wacky Harry Potter pieces. You can click here to see the full list of weirdness, but after the jump I included my faves... Harry Potter in the form of Japanese Anime!!! Bring on the big eyes and tentacle rape... lets go!!!

If there was a tentacle moving up her leg, this would be perfect Japan-imation!

This one is cool... a bit of gender swapping!!!


  1. There were MUCH gayer pieces on Taco's website. Which was your favorite from the gayer ones? I can't decide.

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