Always on the look out for inspiring art... emblazoned across the chest of humanity. Here's some of the t-shirts I have my eye on to do just the trick but, there's only one problem....they aren't for sale yet! Please click each of the links below to the Threadless.com voting pages and give these beauties '5' ratings so I can throw 'em on my charge card one day.
**Please click READ MORE for tee-licious tees!**
Before I start in with my regular weekly picks, I'd like to mention that Threadlsess has been running a 'Threadless Loves Pin-ups' challenge all week. Hot sluts in a 40's style pin-up homage. Here's a few of my favorites from that challenge.
'Bombs Away' has a fire crotch going down...err...um...taking a one way ride to disaster. "Who does Number 2 WORK FOR!?"
Next up, get yourself invited to this 'Sexy Vampire Party' and expect the worse...but die happy mortal....or reach immortality. Either or.
This Intergalactic pin-up says she's 'Better Than Tang'. Oh, I bet she is....I.....bet.....she.....is!
'Mucha Pin Up' is an homage to the Alphonse Mucha masterpiece 'Moon' ...only this one gives me just a tad bit more boner. Oh, to be the 'man in the moon' on THIS occasion. "Le'Sigh"
And...finally, You'd be yelling for your prehistoric bride 'Wilmaaaaa !!!' like Fred Flintstone does all the time if you knew she would come running looking like THIS. Just be careful of the horse...umm...Dino she rides in on.
OK...enough of those mouth-watering hotties...on to something more geeky
'Minesweeper' is an basic, explosive homage to the web game of the same name. I like it's style though.
'The Thinker' has our temper-tantrum throwing Avenger taking a break (brake?) from smashin' baddies, for a long ponderants of what's to come.
'Friend?' I think NOT! IT'S A CTHULHU!!
'Snowman Suicide' is clever. I don't think we can expect this frosty to be "...back on Christmas Day".
'Space Pirate' is skull & crossbones for the intergalactic jet-setter. I'm stunned.
'Death Star' Is a fun little Super Mario Bros./Star Wars mash-up. 2 of my absolute favorites....bet the princess is in another star system, though.
'As You Wish' ....assembles an all animal animated re-cast of our favorite swashbucking film 'A Princess Bride'. Perfect casting if you ask me. I want to see THIS reboot!
Any super-fan of the Legend of Zelda franchise nows that a great way to kill time, and gather rupees is to chase after a few fowl. but, maybe it's best if you 'Don't Mess With The Chickens'
'Dark Symmetry' is one for my man, Mike D. A perfect piece of Kubrick imagery for the 'The Shining' lovers.
'The Samurai Battle'....fuck yeah! Gotta have THIS war prize.
And my final...and FAVORITE pick this week was a design entitled 'I'm Not Picky'. Everything the designer clicks 'Like' to regarding film......and the inevitable dis-'Like'!
Of course the Kubrick one is my fave, but the Death Star and Princess Bride ones are spectacular. I also love the death by chicken Zelda one... cool. Great post once again.