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March 5, 2012

Happy Munn-Day!!!

It's Munn-Day again... and one thing to look forward to with the start of a new week has to be pictures of my favorite Asian yellow pear, Olivia Munn. Todays selections come from 411mania and are SUPPOSEDLY leaked from Munn's hacked cell phone. There are a few of Munn scantily dressed (and eating cream cheese?) that are surely her because you can see her gorgeous face, but the fourth picture is the one that is causing quite a stir. In that fourth pic she is missing a head, and also missing her clothes. Is it her? I tend to think so... Olivia Munn has a pretty well known body (due to all of the scantily clad pics she takes) and to quote Jeff Bond "You  can tell by her hip dimples that it's her for real..." Not sure if it is her or not, but whoever this broad is all I have to say is THANK YOU. Enjoy the pics  after the jump...

1 comment:

  1. The second and third pics are hot. I don't believe that last pic is her though. Body's not right.
