So as someone who blogs excellsively & reads the Internet as much as I do, I have become sompletely uninterested in spoilers & set stories that come from movies that are not coming out for 12-18 months. First off, who the fuck cares? Chances are the shit that people are "reporting" is made up and twisted up facts anyway... how many times have spoilers actually been 100% right? Almost never... Secondly, why do I want to know key plot points and elements if we truly want to see an interesting movie? I am pumped that I do not know who The Avengers are fighting in the upcoming mega movie, I'm glad I will be surprised when I find out who Joseph Gordon Levitt is playing in The Dark Knight Rises, and I don't want some geeky blogger taking 100's of shots at guessing on something until he ends up being right about SOMETHING... take enough guess and something is bound to be similar to ONE of your theories. Anyway, the point is that I have been avoiding all spoilers and I have become a much happier person for it. But now that these films are right on the horizon, lets talk a bit about some of the deatils... specifically, why the fuck does The Lizard look like a combination between a creature from C.H.U.D. & a Sleesak from land of the Lost?
Click after the jump for more...
Now, let me start by saying this is not a spoiler because the official image has been released by the studio. See for yourself:
Grrrr... what the fuck is that? With all the technology and CGI that we have today, all of the great looking monsters that I have seen throughout the years, how the fuck is the best we could get on a FUCKING SPIDER MAN movie? It looks like a combination of the monsters of the horrid 80's flick C.H.U.D. and the newer Sleesaks from The Land of the Lost. Need reminding on what they look like? Here you go:
Really? This is the best we could do? I am really nervous about this movie, and it all stems from the look of the villain. But I could be wrong. Sometimes a still photo does not look exactly like how it looks in motion... but still, I think this is an abomination. But we shall see.... this is exactly why I don't read spoilers. I am mad about this character design now, but I only have to wait about a month to see how it pans out. But imagine if I had to wonder about this 12 months ago??? Well, we shall see... I hope Garfield and Stone can save this one. We shall see in a few weeks....