Ever since the release of Prometheus a few months back we have seen an amazing renewal of interest in the Alien movie franchise. I would contend that this connection is made because people wanted to re-visit the older movies after watching the prequel movie (fuck you Jeff... Prometheus IS A FUCKING PREQUEL TO ALIEN!!!)... I know I certainly did, rewatching all four full length Alien movies after watching Prometheus in the theater. When interest in something is shown, a good property owner will put his merchandise into the market to be consumed by eager customers. Take the Stan Winston School of Character Arts and the plethora of unrerleased set phots they released of the master himself (Stan Winston) making movie magic by creating the Alien Queen for Aliens. It is one of the most terrifying creatures ever created, and when you see the massive 10 ft plus monster that Winston created... well, lets just say you will have some great insight into one of the greatest monsters ever to grace a screen. There is also a great in depth article about each pic on the Stan Winston School's page (
click here). Check out the set of pics after the jump...
I want their job...