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August 1, 2013

Frank Browning & Freddy In Space Bring Us Some Tasty Horror Themed Ice Cream Treats in Series 4 Of 'Ben & Jerry's Horror Ice Cream Flavors'

I have frequently talked up my buddy Johnny's excellent horror website, Freddy In Space. The thing that Johnny does that makes his site so fantastic is that he knows he is the small guy on the block... in other words, there are many horror based web sites that are corporate run and have much more access to things than he does. But what he lacks in funding and access he makes up for in originality... and boy does Johnny have originality by the ton. Johnny has come up with tons of original posts, and they are unique to his blog. That what makes the Freddy In Space experience so fantastic. This summer Johnny teamed up with artist Frank Browning to come up with some awesomely horrific tasty treats... well at least mock ups of them anyway. There have been three series so far. You can see them here, here and here. But now its time for round 4... and these are some great ones! Check out the new series after the jump, and stop by Johnny's page to have a very unique horror experience!!!!

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