We are back... we are BACK!!! The CCD Podcast is back in full effect with Episode #5. In honor of 22 Jump Street coming to theaters this week, we decided to discuss the best TV Shows that have been adapted into movies. Jedi Rob had very strict guidelines for this show (no cartoons, no continuations of shows into the movies, etc!) and Mike D & Alicia Gomes try their best to come up with a unique top 3! We also talk about what direction Scott Derrickson will take a Doctor Strange movie, who would be best to play the good Doctor, Josh Brolin as Thanos (and where we might see him in the Marvel Cinematic Universe), and Robocop throwing out the first pitch at a Detroit Tigers game! Wow, it was a great episode.... and you can enjoy it now... FREE! Click after the jump for the embedded version of the podcast and all the links you can ever want...
This weeks featured art comes from good friend Tommy Lombardozzi. Enjoy his Doctor Strange & Thanos comicbook backing board piece, as well as much more of his artwork (which is for sale... buy some shit!) by clicking here.
Stream the episode, or follow the links below to subscribe or download.
Follow the CCD Podcast Instagram & Facebook... it's tons of nerdy fun!!!

Here are a few links that were referred to in Episode #5:
Robocop throwing out first pitch at Tigers game...
Scott Derrickson will direct Doctor Strange...
Nightmare @ 20,000 Feet Meets 3rd Rock From The Sun...
Godzilla man in suit lays the smack down on cgi 'Zilla'...
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