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June 22, 2014

X-Men: Days of Future Past Featuring The 70s Biggest Movie Stars by Peter Stults

I have features some of Peter Stults works here on CCD before, and whenever I see one of his new pieces posted online I am instantly reminded of my good friend Sean Hartter's works. We lost Sean way to soon (RIP brother) but the truth of the matter is that his style of wok lives on in guys like Stults's work. Stults channels that 'Alternate Reality' universe that Hartter perfected by subbing in crazy casting choices for movies of today featuring the stars of yesteryear. Can you imagine a X-Men: Days of Future Past featuring the 70s biggest and brightest? How about Al Pacino as Wolverine, or Julie Christie as Mystique? What about Terrance Stamp/ Lawrence Olivier as Old/Young Magneto, and Anthony Hopkins/John Gieguld as Old/Young Xavier? And Jim Kelly... Black Belt Jones himself... as BISHOP? That is a cameo I can get behind. Check out the full poster after the jump...

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