We are barreling towards our big Episode #50 EXTRAVAGANZA and we are very excited, so this week we decided to re-visit one of the more popular topics of an early episode and see if lightning can strike twice. In our previous "In Defense Of..." episode of the show Jedi Rob (Ghostbusters 2), Mike D (Michael Bay) and Joey Esq (Return of the Jedi) each laid out a perfectly crafted argument extolling the merits of their above clients.Ya see, a movie/director/actor-actress doesn't necessarily have to be BAD or A BOMB to be defended. Nope.... in this age of Internet trolling even classic films get a bum rap on certain aspects. Afterward compelling arguments were made, and lots of chatter occurred with people over the 'Net about our opinions. So we are going back to do it again... Jedi Rob (Super Mario Brothers: The Movie), Mike D (Hudson Hawk), and Tommy Lombardozzi (Last Action Hero) all go to bat for things that they love but others may loathe. It was another great episode! Check it out after the jump....
Stay tuned here for more information on our big Episode #50 celebration to come, as well as future live art shows from The CCD Art & Supply Co.
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