Nightmare on Elm Street. Friday the 13th. Halloween. These are the usual suspects that we think of when we discuss "horror franchises". The big guns... the ones even non-horror fans know and love. But there is one other MAJOR franchise that everyone likes to talk up, and the one thing that makes it SO UNIQUE is that it is also the one that has movies appear on a ton of "Best Ever" lists. That would be the Sam Raimi controlled Evil Dead franchise. We certainly love it here at CCD, so Jedi Rob invited Mike D and Kristen "KMG" Grillo down to the nerd cave to discuss the highs and lows (not many of them, but there are a few) of the 3 original films... as well as the remake, video games, comic books, the musical and also the upcoming Ash vs The Evil Dead TV series. It is a hell of a good time, so check out the first part and get ready for Deadite Hunting Season (which begins on October 31st, 2015 at 9 pm on Starz).
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Nice. This is exactly what I'm looking for. Thanks a lot for the wonderful information.